"I woke up at 6ish on a Sunday morning to mild but regular contractions. Got up and went into the spare room onto the PC. Hubby surfaced about 8ish, came looking for me and I greeted him with, "I've been having contrations for 2 hours". Probably the wrong thing to say as he is DS1's stepdad and this was his first labour experience. He immediately started panicing, getting dressed and grabbing the hospital bag, asking me how I was every 10 seconds, until it dawned on him I wasn't screaming, I wasn't moving and I wasn't even dressed! He stopped, slowed down and I told him it's not time yet, but either later today or early tomorrow I expect we'll be meeting baby! I had mild but regular contractions all day and nothing changed, went into maternity about 8pm to check progress, came home and took 2 paracetamol and went to bed. Woke up at 12.30am ish in agony, so bad I could hardly get out of bed and get dressed. Hubby was downstairs watching TV and DS1 was at grandmas for the night just in case! He took one look at my face and resumed his earlier panicing! Rang labour ward to say we were coming back. Three hours of very intense pain later DD arrived, shocked at her arrival she took longer to start breathing than her older brother and I went to pieces as she was born the day before my best friend's angel baby's 1st anniversary. When she took that first wonderful breath I was shaking so much I couldn't hold her. I was on all fours and couldn't support myself. It worked out for the best though as hubby, who was petrified of holding newborns, saw I wasn't capable, and grabbed her! No messing with the time this time around, the midwife had it exactly!
She was 8lb 12.5oz, 03.49 am, 41wks gestation and a gas and air only baby."
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