"Wednesday, 24th October 2007
It all kicked off on Tuesday 23rd Oct '07. I started having mild contractions in the afternoon which started to get stronger so I got Pete to put my TENS machine on. I had a few false alarms before so wasn't expecting it to be the real thing, even though I was 6 days late. Well at 10pm everything stopped, what a surprise! So feeling a bit upset I decided to go to bed.
I then woke up just before 2am on 24th to go to the toilet. As I got up I heard a little pop and as I walked to the bathroom my waters started trickling. At 2am I had my first proper contraction. I woke Pete and told him this was it so he put my TENS machine on again and went downstairs to get sorted and start filling the pool.
At about 3am I phoned my mum who was going to be with me aswell, my contractions were starting to get really painful so when my mum arrived just after 3am Pete phoned for the midwife.
Sarah, a lovely midwife, arrived at 3.40am, my contractions were right on top of each other and I was still just using my TENS machine. Sarah checked me and I was 8cm!! I couldn't believe it, so I got into the pool at about 4.15am which was lovely.
I breathed through my contractions and Sarah phoned for the second midwife. I decided I would like some gas and air. At about 5am the second midwife arrived (also called Sarah) and after 20 minutes of pushing Rubie May Fisk was born at 5.25am, exactly 1 week late.
We sat in the pool for about 30 minutes with me holding my new baby girl and waiting for the cord to stop pulsating. I felt great but it didn't last long. Rubie's cord was clamped and cut and Sarah wanted me to get out of the pool so my placenta could be delivered. I felt a bit funny but started to get up on my knees ready to get out. The next thing I know I am laying on the floor next to the pool. I had fainted and started to go under the water so the 2 Sarah's and my mum had had to drag me out!
I lay on the floor for a while, but every time I tried to get up I kept fainting so the decision was made to call an ambulance. I was so disappointed after having such an amazing birth but I knew I needed to go in.
Rubie still hadn't been weighed so once we got to the hospital they checked her over and weighed her, 9lb 2oz, where was I hiding that!!!! We were discharged at 7pm that evening after me having IV fluids.
So all in all I had a lovely birth but unfortunately didn't go to plan after but I have my beautiful little girl who was worth every bit.
Time in labour: 3hrs 40 mins."
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