"Wednesday 28th October 2009
Well, feeling thoroughly fed up and sore with my ribs, SPD and just general hugeness I went off to see my midwife on 27th Oct (the day before my due date) for a sweep. All my BP and urine was fine and baby had moved from back to back to the front so I was really pleased about that. Then she did the sweep and said although I was about 2cm dilated my cervix was still quite high and posterior, midwife didn't think anything would happen for a while. I was gutted and went home and burst into tears.
Pete was on nights that night so was home during the day; we decided to go for a walk to get some fresh air to make me feel better, so we went down the beach and walked along the front. I was still feeling disappointed when we got home so after dinner I suggested we had sex before Pete went to work, just in case it helped!!! I started having a few niggles that evening and was having a few strong contractions but they didn't have a pattern and stopped by the time I went to bed.
On 28th Oct I woke up at 1.33am and my waters had gone. I got out of bed and they gushed, went to the bathroom and just sat on the toilet while all this water was pouring out of me! (Midwife had said I had a lot). I phoned Pete at work and told him to come home, although I hadn't had any contractions. At 2.10am I had my first contraction. Pete got home and put the TENS machine on for me and went down to start filling the pool.
I rang my best friend Katie who was also my doula, and she came round with her 5 week old baby. Then I rang my midwife at about 3am. I was coping fine with the tens machine and after having all my obs done Louise (my midwife) said she would do an internal to see what was happening. I was about 5cm so decided to get in the pool. Things carried on going well; I did have all my contractions in my back which were very painful but I managed by breathing through them and holding on to Pete and Katie. At about 6.30am I started to feel a bit pushy but wasn't actually pushing. The second midwife had arrived and was sat talking to Louise. At about 6.45am the midwives realised I was pushing a bit so started to get ready. Just then I had a massive urge to push and her head came out. I think I was shocked because I thought I would be pushing for a lot longer; at 6.55am Lily was born.
As soon as I saw her I thought about how much she looked like Josh and as I was convinced I was having a boy I didn't even look. Katie asked me if I was going to look as she had seen when she had come out. I was shocked to find I had a little girl. I was so happy as deep down I wanted another girl but had come to accept it was a boy (even though we never found out).
I got straight out of the pool because of what happened last time and lay down on the sofa with my baby girl who started to feed straight away. I had another strong contraction and my placenta was delivered followed by quite a bit of blood. I think Louise panicked a bit and decided to give me the Syntometrine, but I was fine and didn't feel faint at all. The midwives got tidied up and left us to it, I had a quick bath and got into bed with my new baby which was lovely as I didn't get to do that bit last time because of going into hospital. Katie said she would take Rubie for us so we could get some rest (Josh was still on holiday with mum and dad). So the 3 of us snuggled down in bed and within minutes Pete was snoring! I was on too much of a high to sleep but was lovely to lay in the quiet with Lily on my chest!
Time in labour: 5 hours 30 mins."
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