"I was about to pop, I was seriously big and seriously fed up. After my due date had come and gone and I was 8 days overdue and suffering from SPD, hubby me and bump went to get a sweep and see the consultant. All I can say about the sweep was that it was as useful as a chocolate teapot and it stung (understatement). We were booked in for my induction that coming Saturday. We went home and the nerves kicked in. On the Friday evening I did the essential body ground maintenance. You know to make EVERYWHERE look presentable and we had our last night at home before we would return as a little family unit. On the Saturday we were in hospital bright and early and ready for induction. The first lot of gel worked and by midday we were rocking and rolling I was having regular contractions. At this point we were still in the day unit and hadn't been moved to delivery yet. After another few hours I asked for gas and air to take the edge off. In the day unit the only thing between you and the bed next to you is a curtain, I remember thinking I must be quiet I don't want to make a fuss for all these ladies not in labour, ha ha. Finally it was my turn for delivery suite but then an emergency came in and just as we were walking towards the doors our bed was taken, so it was back to our original bed in the day unit. Time passed and 9pm came round and they had kept the ward open for us as I was too established to go up onto the ward. We finally went to delivery thinking it wouldn't be long until baba made an appearance.
By the following morning there was still no baby and we were all more than a little exhausted. By about 12pm I was trying to push but the baby was getting stuck. Very, very quickly a decision was made to go to theatre to do a forceps delivery. I had only had gas and air at that point and the relief when that spinal block went in was amazing. Within minutes our beautiful little Thomas had entered the world. I knew all was not well when I didn't hear a cry, things were a blur for a while. Then they took him and my husband went with him. The midwife explained he was in a bit of shock and needed to go to special care for a few hours to be checked over but he was fine. At that stage I was comforted by the fact that my husband was with him. After 27 hrs in labour with no feeling from the waste down I was pretty exhausted. Thomas ended up being in special care for 4 days then up on the ward with me. I cannot fault the hospital for their care of us. However coming home with our little bundle of joy was amazing, and everyday since has been amazing. By keeping an open mind and handing myself over to the direction and care of the midwives and doctors I wasn't stressed or upset, just focused on the primary goal of giving birth. And hey, if it was easy it wouldn't be called labour."
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