Monday, 7 February 2011

Anne-Marie's story, East London - attempted robbery didn't even work!

"Well where do I start? I have a condition called SPD - basically my pubic bone splits in pregnancy and I end up in hospital towards the end of my pregnancies and wait for c-sections. Fifth and last pregnancy I was in agony, could no longer walk, couldn't sleep and was put on strong medication. I was taken in because of mild contractions, also on the promise of finding me a slot ASAP. Thirty six plus weeks pregnant my baby was large and ready! A week went past, I was getting tired angry and needed to get out! My husband arrived, I told him the same thing every morning, "might be fitting me in for my section in the morning". We ignored it as it was doctors keeping me sweet.
"John I need to get out for an hour," grinding my teeth, he knew I was in agony emotionally and mentally, so I picked up my crutches and 'escaped'. I shuffled out in my PJs and got in the car. I decided to get some money out of my account for my husband in case of emergency. Went into my credit union to draw some cash out, I was the only customer in there. Anyway, as I'm leaving two masked men decided to rob the place - I had a gun waved in my face, I was in total shock! Anyway they didn't get away with anything but managed to run away. I was rushed straight back to my ward by my husband and just asked to be put on the monitor. The midwife asked why, so I broke down and explained. Baby was fine!! I was so glad. I had to eat that night as I didn't eat anything, just breakfast that morning. I had a hot curry delivered, I polished that off. NOTHING was happening! Absolute shock and a really hot curry was not bothering this baby!
Finally! Two days after the attempted robbery I was taken down late sunday night due to my baby showing some signs of stress! Midwives, doctors and surgeons were amazed that what happened didn't bother my baby!
Baby JJ finally arrived just after 10 o'clock by c-section, 7lb. Not a care in the world, just perfect! Now 6 months old nothing bothers him still, he takes everything in his stride and is such a brilliant baby. He has helped me in a way deal with what happened, he makes everyone smile! NOTHING was going to budge him, he was just too comfortable and warm not even an attempted robbery and a hot curry was going to move him!!"

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