"I gave birth to my daughter on the 13th of December '09 at 35 weeks - a shock to say the least but a good one! I had the coil fitted after I had my second son Jacob, after having two boys so close together it was the best idea! Ethan 3 and Jacob 18 months. In November I kept getting really bad cramps in my tummy, I went to the doctors and he suggested there was an infection where the coil was fitted which was causing the swelling and pain and referred me for more tests - I never thought in a million years a week from then I was going to be told I was 29 weeks pregnant!
Baby was checked and I had a scan to confirm the pregnancy and needless to say - I was just a tiny bit scared! I was more schocked they told me I was having a girl than being told I was pregnant! The following week I had a more detailed scan which showed baby to be a bit on the small side and I'd have to have weekly scans to check fluid around the baby and growth. At 35 weeks I went for my routine scan on the Friday morning which showed I was losing fluid, the placenta was facing my tummy and cushioning her movements which was a major explanation as to why I wasn't feeling movements like I did with the other two. They checked my cervix - gave me a sweep - which was followed by 'a show' so they decided my cervix was favourable for an induction which was great after weeks of telling me I would have to have a c-section! I was booked in on Sunday at 7am, it was hectic!
When I got there they did an examination and managed to break my waters. While monitoring the baby, her heart rate kept dipping while I was having twinges so they rushed me round to a delivery room. Then everything stopped! Baby was bouncing around and the twinges stopped - they gave me a Syntocinon drip to bring on the contractions - at 3 o'clock I remember sitting there hooked up to the machine thinking 'God, I'm so bored'! Then by 4pm I was having regular contractions. I chose to have gas and air.
Those next 2 hours consisted of me being sick, actually weeing myself laughing, crying and a little bit of shouting! At half 6 I remember struggling a bit and begging them to take the drip out and being soooo tired! The midwife checked me and I was only 4cm!! I was so disappointed! Then all of a sudden I had the urge to push - well to be honest - poo! I remember telling my partner to get out then the midwife pushing the button on a wall behind me and then the baby just being there! My body had gone into shock and when I pushed I lost a lot of blood, then next push baby came out - she practically flew out! I remember shaking so much all I could hear was the clanging of the bed! She was amazing - just perfect! They put her on my chest and she was just staring around! She starting sucking her thumb and my heart just melted! She was tiny, sooo small and I couldn't believe she was here and she was okay!
She took to my breast straight away, latched on perfectly and had a feed before they took her to be checked. Esmée weighed 5lb 4oz and was born at 19.02pm - I got away with no stitches, just the shakes for the next few hours (courtesy of the gas and air I think). The midwife stayed on even though her shift finished hours earlier, and I can honestly say I loved every single minute of her birth. I breast fed until she was 9 months and got away with the dreaded post natal depression I had with my sons. To this day she's as perfect as they day I brought her home!"
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