"Saturday, 26th March 2005
I woke up at 6am with really bad cramp in my leg. I jumped out of bed to try and get rid of it and as I did my waters broke. Told Pete and he said go back to sleep (typical bloke) but 5 mins later a really strong contraction followed by another 5 mins after that. Woke Pete up again and said this is definitely it so he did get up then! After that my contractions were every 2 mins and sooo painful. Pete phoned my midwife Marie and she came round about 9am, did an internal and I was 3-4cm dilated and was told I could go to hospital. Got to hospital about 11am and was in agony, was given gas and air which I hated, was in so much pain I didn't give it a chance so asked for Pethidine which was great! My mum and sister arrived as planned and I got on with the rest of my labour with the Pethidine and gas and air when contractions came. Marie came to the hospital after doing her rounds and said she would deliver my baby. Got to 10cm and was told I could push, had no urge to push whatsoever but was told I had to. So after pushing for 2 and a half hours and being threatened with a drip, ventouse or forceps I gave birth to Joshua naturally. He was born at 4.08pm weighing in at a very healthy 8lb 1oz and was just perfect. Pete looked so proud and had tears in his eyes which made me feel so happy and so lucky. After all the pain it was the best feeling in the world and I was very proud of myself.
Time in labour: 10 hours 15 mins."
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