"They called it a rapid delivery
Born 20/02/2008
38 weeks
5lb 6oz
It's Tuesday 19th of February and I am thinking of what I’m going to wear to my sister in laws 30th on the 27th it was fancy dress . But my back is hurting so badly, being my first baby I put it down to just end of pregnancy aches and pains.
Wednesday 20th February 10 days till due date, I woke at 4.30am, feeling very uncomfortable, at 4.40am I had my first contraction I called the hospital and I was told to wait till my waters have broken then come in. By 5.00am they were less than 4 minutes apart and my waters had broken. It was time to get in the car it took 20 minutes to get to the Hospital, 15 minutes later I have to stop my self pushing unless I want to make a mess in the car.
When we arrived at the hospital we start the walk to the labour ward down a corridor which seemed to go on forever. Once I was there 4.35 am, soaking wet and in immense pain, I was asked to take a seat at this point I could not take any more and told the midwife I need to push. I was helped on to a bed for an examination, low and behold I was 9cm and the baby’s head can be seen. I was rushed into a labour room, 3 pushes later he had arrived it was 5.46am. There was no time for any pain relief and no stitches were required. I count myself very fortunate to have had such a speedy and uncomplicated birth."
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