Thursday, 3 February 2011

Hayley's story, UK - young mum with epidural for pain relief

"I fell pregnant at the age of 14 and began contractions on the 20th of July at 7am. Not painful, just a little pain in the back and lower abdomen. The midwife came to feel how dilated I was at 2pm and I was only 2cm, so I sat back, relaxed, even went and had my dinner at 6pm, not in much pain at all just a little discomfort.
It wasn't until about 7:30pm when my mum said we should probably go to the hospital. When I got there I was already 9cm but my waters hadn't broken. They broke my water and a few minutes went by and then I felt the contractions hitting 140 on the machine. I said I wanted the epidural, the big needle that they put in your back that numbs from the legs downwards.
Whilst the doctor was putting this in, my contractions were getting worse which made it harder to sit still. Once this was done I didn't feel a thing, I was just lying there for about an hour. The nurse had to tell me it was time to push, I didn't feel when to push, they just told me. Pushing for hours and my legs in stirrups, not the prettiest of moments, but after a very long labour my baby girl was born at 11:43pm on the 20th July 6lbs 12oz. That number, time and date always stays in my head."

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