Monday, 17 January 2011

Nat's story, East Sussex - use the pain!

"I had made a bet that I would have my baby on the 16th November as I thought I was going to a comedy show on the 15th and it would kick things off (it was actually on the 10th! My head was so not in the game in those last few months!) My due date was 25th which was bang on with my dates.

Anyway DS woke me up at 7.20am on the 16th (9 days early) and I realised that I was having very mild contractions, bit like period pains every 10 minutes or so. DH had already gone to work and Mum and Dad were coming over to help me get the house sorted out so got up and took DS to nursery, contractions getting a bit stronger but nothing worth worrying about. M&D arrive and we start moving boxes and sorting, about 10.30 I had a semi painful contraction which made me stop and Mum gives me a look so I confess that I have been contracting. Hadn’t said anything as didn’t want to worry anyone or have anyone fussing. I told Mum that it would probably take a while so we carry on sorting and then go get DS at 12 from Nursery. I had to keep stopping to breath through the contractions but nothing I couldn’t handle on my own, although I did get a few funny looks from some of the other mums at the Nursery. At about 1pm I call DH to tell him I think its happening but not to worry about coming home early as it could take ages (took two days with DS!). His first reaction was 'you are joking right?' the reason for this is he had just had three weeks off for a bad back and it was his first day back at work ops.... Got a call about 10 mins later saying he was on his way home as he works and hour and a half away and didn’t want to risk missing anything. Was quite relieved to be honest. Also called the birthing centre so they knew I could be coming in that day.

So we carried on packing boxes until about 2pm when I had to stop as the contractions were getting too strong to concentrate, DH got home about 3pm and M&D went home taking DS with them. Things ticked along and about 5pm we went to the birthing centre to be checked over just so I could get an idea of what was happening if anything! Got there and the contractions pretty much stopped! Typical. They checked me over and said nothing was really happening; it could be false labour or go on for a few days or kick of anytime, that helped! So went back home (only live 3mins by car from the birthing centre). Well contractions kicked off again and slowly got stronger and stronger but was managing OK with the tens machine. To be honest I was totally gutted as had hoped to have a quicker time than with DS but after being told not much was happening I could just see me heading for another two day labour. Sat on the sofa when I got home in a total grump. Even when the contractions got stronger I still didn’t think it was going to happen any time soon.

At 10.30pm DH was outside having a cigarette and I had an almighty painful contraction and felt something pop, luckily DH saw this through the window so came rushing in, he managed to get me to the loo and I had another contraction with a massive show and some waters. For some reason, and I still have no idea why or how, even now, I was in just my pants and a vest top. What had possessed me to strip off when I was in labour I have no idea, so DH had to get me dressed (that would have been very funny to watch I am sure!), called the birthing centre and we headed straight there. Getting to the car was fun, two steps, stop breath, stifle a scream so I didn’t disturb the neighbours and repeat. Same when we got to the birthing centre took me five minutes to get from the car in the door!

When we arrived they already had a birth going on so we went into the second birthing room (good job we called ahead as they only have two rooms so they had kept it for me!) went straight into the birthing pool which helped. Its funny but I really had no preference when it came to being in the water but when I arrived the MW said it would help with the pain and it really did. Very quickly the pain became truly awful and I was sucking on the gas and air like my life depended on it! The MW was brilliant, really supportive and friendly. The contractions were coming on top of each other almost as soon as I was in the pool and I was so encased in the pain that I really wasn’t listening to anyone but at one point the MW said “use the pain to push with”. It was like a revelation and suddenly the pain became useful. Still hurt like hell but I felt back in control again. I started with the pushing whilst still in the pool but was on my back so not the best position, managed to change positions and kept pushing but not much was happening. The MW said I needed to move as the baby was not coming out so could be stuck due to position, managed to get from the pool to the bed (how I still have no idea!) and onto my knees gripping the back of the bed and two pushed later baby River arrived weighing 5lbs 12oz. DH told me we had a girl and after I had managed to get the right way round I had my first cuddle. Wonderful!!

Had a 2nd degree tear but didn’t care was just so glad it was over and my little lady was here safe and sound! When the MW did the time of birth I had missed the 16th by 2 mins! Still can’t believe I managed just on the gas and air, or that it was only just over an hour and a half from that pop to giving birth! Seemed much, MUCH longer! I can honestly say it wasn’t a pleasant experience but was so much better than DS birth. That said never doing it again! (But pretty sure I said that after DS...)."

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