Friday, 4 February 2011

Jane's story, Warwickshire - straight forward labour and birth, 1st baby

"Sunday 23rd September 2007

At 3:30am I woke up really needing the toilet, so I got out of bed and went. Once I had sat on the toilet I noticed I had blood in my underwear. I went back to bed to tell Nick, who was asleep at the time and wasn’t really conscious of what I was saying. I decided to try going back to sleep as I wasn’t in any pain.

At 4:20am I heard and felt a pop, which I had read other mothers had felt as their waters broke, so I quickly made my way to the toilet again - I made it just in time. This time Nick knew something was wrong as he had never seen me move so fast. Nick went to have a cigarette whilst I had my first contraction. As he entered the kitchen and switched on the lights a bulb blew the fuse which put the house into darkness. He eventually found the fuse and turned on the lights again.

As I was still able to talk through the contractions Nick advised me to call the hospital and find out what they would recommend. The nurse I spoke to suggested that we make our way in to be examined as my waters had broken. I also phoned Mum as she was my other birthing partner. She said she would get herself dressed and would wait for a phone call from Nick once we had got to the hospital.

At about 05:15am we started the journey to the hospital. Nick made the decision that we should get Mum to come to the hospital as he felt things were progressing quickly; so I gave her a call.

We arrived at the hospital at about 05:45am. Luckily the nurses on the main reception desk let us go through the short cut to the labour ward. On arrival we were taken into the labour room and introduced to the midwife. She examined me and informed us that I was 3cm dilated. She then attached me to the machine that would monitor the baby’s heartbeat. My Mum had now arrived and was able to support me through the contractions. The contractions became very close together so the midwife attached the TENS machine to my back. I pressed the button like I was meant to on all my contractions, yet never felt anything from it. I was then put on the gas and air, which I ended up overdosing on and so they took it off me again. I then had to rely on the TENS machine. Through all the contractions I only felt the electrodes in my back on one of them. At this point I informed everyone in the room that it was working.

At some point there was a shift change and I had two more midwifes to get to know. After a couple more contractions they wanted to examine me again. So I lay on the bed and was informed that I was 10cm dilated and ready to push. My dad arrived at this point and was there to hold my hand and Nick hold my other hand.

After much pushing I was asked if I wanted to feel the head, which I did. I needed an episiotomy in order for the head to come out.

At 8:53am Aimee was born and was placed on me whilst the placenta was delivered. At this point my brother, Andrew, was called in so he could meet his new niece and also take photos. Aimee was then cleaned up and given to Nick whilst I received my stitches. At this point Mum, Dad and Andrew went to the café for refreshments. I was placed on a drip as I lost 500ml of blood during the labour which was close to a haemorrhage. Once the stitches were done I was able to give Aimee her first feed on the breast. She took to it very well.

After I ate some breakfast I was then cleaned up and moved to the ward. I was originally informed that I would be on a 6 hour discharge as I had had no problems. However due to staff levels we were not discharged until 16:30pm on Monday 24th September 2007."

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