Sunday, 30 January 2011

Cherry's story, Yorkshire - 10lb 5oz large baby and c-section

"I went into hospital on Friday 20th November 2009 to be induced as I was suffering from high blood pressure and the doctors were concerned this was developing into pre-eclampsia as I had so much oedema. I had already been admitted overnight the week before and had had to go in for monitoring every other day since. As I had reached my due date on 16th my consultant decided it was best to nip things in the bud for mine and the baby's health and set a date for induction - something I was terrified of but as I ended up having another check on Thursday night due to flashing lights in front of my vision I knew it was time for baby to make an appearance! 

When I arrived at the hospital I was shown to a bed and then a midwife did an internal (ouch!!) and put a pessary in. Then nothing happened at all apart from checks on the baby's heartbeat and my blood pressure. Me and Jon went for a walk round the hospital and had some dinner in the cafe. I started getting some mild-ish pain that evening so Jon put on the TENS machine and went home himself at 9pm. I hated being alone and even worse was in a bay where anyone who came in for assessment was seen - great idea to put someone being induced in there! 

The next morning I woke up to much stronger pains and soon it felt like my back was breaking - and they said I wasn't even in labour yet! I had a long bath and was given some gas and air and painkillers for when the pain got too bad and in went another pessary after it was found I wasn't dilated much at all. I managed some sleep after being given a low dose of Pethidine later on but was then up all night again due to the pain even though I was given codeine and a mild sedative to rest for the real big day coming up! I managed to breathe through the pains which at this point would come one on top of another and then rest for about 10 minutes and also found that walking round the bay helped as I was on my own in there at this point. 

The next day Jon arrived bright and early at 8am. The last pessary had worked its way out at 6 that morning and the contractions had stopped altogether (I got the impression this baby was very comfy just where he was!) Luckily when the doctor came round and examined me again that morning; I was 3cm dilated (hurray all that pain worked!) and they sent us across to the labour ward to have my waters broken.

Once on the labour ward we were settled in our room and Jon was brought in a tray of tea and coffee (the midwife said I wasn't to have any in case I needed a section later - charming! I get all the pain and he gets the tea and sympathy!) The midwife broke my waters which was a really weird sensation (not to mention the weird smell!). She then attached a monitor to the baby's head so they could keep an eye on his heartbeat and explained that I would be bed bound as that was their policy with induction - that was what I was dreading so I warned her that without being able to move I'd probably need an epidural at some point, which she said was expected with the syntocin drip. She then left us for an hour to see if labour would get started by itself and I started to have mild but regular contractions so hoped against hope that the drip wouldn't make an appearance! Unfortunately after an hour or 2 they decided things weren't moving quick enough and in went the drip.

Two hours later and I had the epidural which was surprisingly painless and felt like heaven once it worked! I told the midwife I felt like a total wimp and she said not to worry and that I'd done really well as they'd already cranked the drip up quite high. We then settled in front of the TV in our room and I remember x-factor being on and the anaesthetist and midwife slagging off Jedward before they were voted off! Jon at this point went for a sandwich from the vending machine and came back to tell me all about it (thanks Jon! Nil by mouth remember!) Unfortunately the epidural only worked on one side and after a few top ups they decided to use a stronger anaesthetic which felt like a wonderful cool waterfall down my back! I then had a little nap before the midwife examined me at about midnight. Gutted! All that time and I was only 4cms! She explained that if I was still under 7cms in 5 hours they would be looking to perform a section and also said he'd turned back to back - at least I know now why those early pessary induced contractions hurt my back so much! 

I managed another nap (by now it was getting very uncomfortable being stuck in one position in a boiling hot room) and we watched some repeats that were on in the early hours on TV. I then had another top up on the epidural after using gas and air for a while (great stuff!) and finally was examined again - 8cms!! Hurray!

When the time came to push I decided to throw dignity to the wind and really went for it, I couldn't feel the pain of the contractions due to the epidural but felt the tightenings

They then shoved loads of consent forms under my nose and in my drugged up state I didn't realise they had the wrong patient details! Thankfully they called me "Laura" though and it got sorted! They then took me off to the theatre where I started crying as I was at the end of my tether by now and was sure the baby was in trouble. The doctor who would operate examined me and said really quickly that there was no way on earth forceps would work as the baby hadn't descended enough due to his position (and as we later found out his size) and I was prepped for a c-section. 

Jon was by now in scrubs and feeling very pleased with himself at looking so professional! I didn't feel a thing and then heard the doctors say they were in and felt them rummaging about - its the strangest feeling and although I could feel they were pulling and pushing a lot it wasn't painful. The surgeon then said that the head was born and Jon turned to have a look (he'd previously been told not to as if he fainted "we'll put you in the corner and leave you there" LOL). He didn't faint just exclaimed that he could see my insides and then as the doctors said "its a big baby" he said "it's definitely a boy!" - typical man! I then heard him say "he's absolutely perfect" as they took him for a wash and examination and then when my baby started to cry I started too in relief that he was OK. The student midwife then held him in front of me all wrapped in a towel and I thought that he was exactly as I'd imagined he'd look with brown hair and a chubby little face. At that point I said that he really did look like a Freddie. He kept looking round the room at everything looking quite bemused that he was in this cold strange place and did some little sighs but he didn't cry again for hours.

I was then stitched up and Freddie went with his Dad to the recovery bay where I joined them half an hour later. We then had some skin to skin contact and he was weighed - 10lb 5 ounces! No wonder I couldn't walk up the stairs by the end! The doctors who'd delivered him came by to ask his weight too, when they'd said he was big I'd expected 9 and a half pounds maybe as we'd been warned to expect 9 but over 10 was even a shock to us! After that we enjoyed lots more skin to skin and cuddles and both settled into recovering and getting home in 2 days time. Oh one more thing, I sent Jon to buy a newspaper to remember the headline on the day of our son's birth. The only one left bore the legend "Jedward, deadwood!" - what a headline to remember on the day you were born lol!"

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Friday, 28 January 2011

Beth's story, South Wales - quicker labour, missing waters

"After my first experience of childbirth, I was positive that I was more prepared this time around. I believed I knew what labour felt like, and I knew the signs and symptoms. I knew to pack dark pyjama bottoms, because the blood loss after birth would be tremendous. I knew that when I was ready to push, it would feel like I needed a poo. I also remembered that rush of love I felt for that little newborn in my arms, and was prepared for it.

My dream homebirth had been scrapped at 36 weeks after being rushed into hospital with severe high blood pressure, so I had resigned myself to having a second hospital birth. After two membrane sweeps at 39 weeks and being 2cm dilated both times, I was now 1 day past my due date and thoroughly miserable with extremely painful Pelvic Girdle Pain and desperate to get everything over with.
We hit the sack pretty late, but I was asleep in no time. 6am I woke up with a niggly bump, and realised that it wasn’t going to be long until I was going to meet my baby. I had a midwife appointment booked for 10am, so decided to try and get back to sleep until Little Man needed to get up for school. It was 7.45am when I woke up next, and the day absolutely had to start. It was a pretty normal morning, well for 15 minutes. I was eating my breakfast when I felt the first agonising pain shoot through my pelvis. “Oh my God, J, that hurt,” I said. “What?” he replied, still half asleep. “The pain in my pelvis.” It was only a couple of minutes later when I had another, so I started timing them.

By 8.30am I’d had 8 pains and I knew something was happening. We dropped Little Man off at school and continued about our plans taking J’s sister to her doctor’s appointment. While we were waiting for J’s sister, the pains started coming more frequently, every 3 minutes and starting to last longer, but they were still in my pelvis and nothing in my bump. I decided to call my midwife. “I’ll give you a home visit, Beth, if you’d prefer. Or if things are too difficult call the labour ward,” she advised. I decided to take the second course of action as I also hadn’t felt a kick that morning. “Come in and we’ll monitor the baby, but it does sound like it’s the groundwork being done,” the midwife on the phone advised.

We took J’s mum and sister home, picked Little Man back up from school, called my Mam and headed off to the hospital at 10am. Mam was meeting us there so her and my nan could have Little Man and the wait was excruciating.

When Mam arrived she took one look at me and knew it was not just 'groundwork being done’. “I’ll find somewhere to park the car, and I’ll be back for you,” Mam said as she left. With that me and J headed off to the labour ward.

As soon as we got there, I was given an internal examination. “Ah yes, 2-3cm, so you’re not in labour,” the examining midwife said. I was then hooked up to the monitor, and baby’s heartbeat came out loud and clear. I continued being monitored for a whole hour, and despite the pains in my pelvis every 3 minutes, nothing was coming through on the monitor. I was devastated, I really wasn’t in labour. Eventually, the monitor was taken off, and I was told to go for a scan and then go home. “How long will it be?” I asked. “Oh, it could be days yet,” was the reply I got. I couldn’t hold it in any longer and burst into tears, I really couldn’t cope with this pain for days. As we walked out, with me crying my eyes out, I heard, “Beth, what’s wrong?” I turned and saw my mother’s concerned face and could barely get the words out, so we just walked to the ultrasound department, stopping every couple of minutes because of the pain.
While in the waiting room, surrounded by women coming in for their first antenatal appointment, I started to panic. The pain was so intense I just couldn’t cope. “Oh, lovely, what’s wrong?” a midwife walked over to us, and took us into one of the rooms. We explained and she put her hand on my bump and calmed me down, “You’re scaring all these women off,” she laughed. Minutes later, my name was called and we went through for my scan at 12.16pm. I’ll always remember D, I’d seen her a few times throughout the pregnancy, and she was absolutely fantastic. She scanned me, and felt the contractions through my bump herself and suggested we didn’t go home, as it definitely wouldn’t be days. “Let’s go outside, and we can call M,” Mam said. (M is my Godmother who delivered Little Man when in remission from breast cancer, who was recently diagnosed with lung cancer.) The entire time Mam was on the phone to M, I felt the urge to push. I didn’t know what to do with myself, or how I was going to survive this.
As we weren’t going to leave the hospital, we went to the restaurant and I ate a cheese and tomato sandwich in between contractions which were lasting over 90 seconds and starting every 3 minutes. I couldn’t handle the pain so we went back to the labour ward and at 1.20pm I was examined and was 4cm, with membranes intact but I WAS IN LABOUR! I cried with relief then got excited as I knew it would be long.

Over in the delivery suite (which wasn’t as mad a rush as the first time), I was fitted with a canular, had oodles of blood taken and was put on an antibiotic drip as I had a high temperature. My ideas of a mobile labour had gone out of the window. I eventually gave in to gas and air around 2.30pm and immediately turned into a silly billy. “I didn’t have a shower this morning,” I moaned, making everyone in the room laugh. I had 2 fully qualified midwives, and a lovely student who made me feel completely at ease with their chatter and laughter in the background. My waters still hadn’t gone and that was a talking point with the midwives and they all stood out of the way, just in case.
By 2.45pm, I was pushing with no control over it and no breaks in between contractions, as quickly as one was finishing another was starting. It was agony. “I’m pooing, I’m gonna poooo.” That feeling had got me again. I was determind I knew what it felt like, but obviously not.
I’d had enough by 3.15pm. “Mam, I want it over. I want Pethidine. I want a section. I just want it over, Mam, please?” I’d turned into a baby, and looked at the midwives wondering why the hell they hadn’t moved to get me what I wanted. “I want a section… Now” I cried.
“F, I think you ought to check how far she is? She could be doing damage by pushing.” One of the qualified said to the student. F gloved up, and examined me. “I think I can still feel a bit of the cervix.” She said, “Could you double check for me?” The qualified turned around to glove up, and another contraction tore through my body, “Oh, there’s the head, stop pushing…. little pushes.” As I ‘little pushed’ I looked down, and saw my baby land in F’s hands. Baby was placed on my stomach, and my first reaction was, “how small is my baby?”

It took me a while to realise I didn’t actually know whether I’d given birth to a boy or a girl. J cut the cord and we looked down together. A girl, a beautiful baby girl. I cried, Mam cried, J cried. It was amazing.
Then something happened I wish I’d filmed, she started rooting for the breast and all by herself, she found it. It was an incredible sight. Her first thought was booby and that was all she was interested in. Her first feed was a good 20 minutes long and at least an hour of skin to skin was amazing. Afterwards, we realised that again my waters had not gone, and there was none when Dot arrived. It’s another mystery. And I’d almost cut my labour time in half, being in established labour for just 2 hours 12 minutes. I was in love once again with the little human I’d just given birth to and at that moment nothing else mattered.

2nd December 2009
9lb 1oz"

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Thursday, 27 January 2011

Beth's story, South Wales - need a poo!

"Tired and heavy and 5 days overdue, I took my 12 year old brother over the Showfield so he could have a mess around with his new golf clubs. It was fun, and I did nothing but laugh as we both attempted a game of golf. Golf is not one of my strongest sports, in fact I find it rather boring, but on this occasion it was hilarious.
Walking home later on, still laughing we discussed what Mam was cooking for tea - gammon, egg and chips. Yummy.
At home, the laughter continued. Little Brother started tickling me. Uh oh, I was laughing so hard, I wet myself. On examination in the toilet, I discovered I had not wet myself, but there was some strange liquid coming from me. “Mam,” I called, “I don’t think I’ve wet myself.” “What do you mean?” replied Mam. I wasn’t given time to answer, “Ow,” I moaned as I felt a pain travel through my bump. “Mam, I think my labour’s starting.”

It was 7.30pm and Mam hurried around to finish cooking tea, just in case it was labour, and within 30 minutes I’d experienced 4 contractions. Mam sent me and Little Brother out for another walk around the Showfield, armed with a pen and a piece of paper to jot down timings.

8.15pm – 30 seconds
8.23pm – 31 seconds
8.30pm – 40 seconds
8.45pm – 45 seconds
8.50pm – 50 seconds
8.55pm – 50 seconds
9.00pm – 60 seconds

As me and Little Brother arrived back at the house Mam took the paper out of his hand and raised her eyebrows, “Are you sure?” she asked. As Little Brother and I nodded in reply I saw a flicker of panic in her eyes, before she calmly stated, “we should ring M now I think.” (M is my Godmother and a midwife. At the time she was on sick leave and in remission from breast cancer, but was going to act as my second birth partner.)
The next half hour was filled with contractions every 5 minutes, and lasting between 50 and 90 seconds apiece, while attempting a conversation with M. After what seemed like an eternity, she asked me to pass the phone back to Mam.

By 10pm we were in the car, and on our way to the hospital. Every speed bump torturing my body with every contraction.
11.30pm and we were finally in a room, and T, the wonderful midwife asked, “Would you like some gas and air while I do this?” while pulling on her gloves. (To me know the image vaguely resembles those comedy sketches of doctors pulling the gloves in an exaggerated fashion, but I’m sure it was nothing like this.)
I accepted the gas and air because I didn’t have a clue what was going to happen next until…. “OW, that hurt more than the contraction” I told T. She just grinned at me, while saying I was 3cm dilated with membranes still intact.
Mam noticed my puzzled expression and asked M to explain everything to me.
“Now, Beth, you have the option to go home or stay. You’re not in established labour yet.” T advised as she walked back into the room. Before I had chance to think about the choice, M answered, “I think we’re better off staying here,” and so it was I stayed in the room, and was told I’d be examined again in 4 hours.

The next 2 hours are a bit of a blur, I walked the corridors, I howled, I cried with frustration. Eventually M got me to take some more gas and air, and within minutes I was giggling about everything. “They sell this stuff in nightclubs, it’s called laughing gas,” I piped up. This set an incredible conversation off, and I was no part of it. I was already floating to play with the pixies. Another hour had passed and I was still puffing on the gas and air (although Mam later told me the cylinder was, in fact, empty) and continued giggling away. (My only explanation is that it was a natural high.)

3.30am, and T arrived to examine me. This time I was prepared. “You’re 4cm dilated, and your membranes are still intact,” she told me. There was a deflated atmosphere in the room as Mam and M worked out 1cm per hour for a first time labour, 6cm to go, 6 hours to go. 9.30am at the earliest. I cried when they told me. M and T talked me into having Pethidine ‘just to help the time pass quicker’. 20 minutes later, “I need a poo,” I shouted as I bolted to the toilet, and sat down. Mam joined me, for some ‘moral support’. "Mam, I’m gonna be sick!” Mam was one step ahead of me, and had a bowl in front of me before I could say ‘sick’. Somewhere in between, I was given the Pethidine, and the sickness was over with.

“I NEEEEEEED A POOOOOO!” I shouted. “Beth, are you pushing?” Mam asked. “No, I neeed a poooo!” I cried. “T, I think she’s pushing.” T rushed over, and checked. “Oh My God, she’s crowning.” I had absolutely no idea what this mean “Mam?” I whined. “It’s OK, Beth, you’re having your baby, YOU’RE HAVING YOUR BABY!” she shouted excitedly.
Immediately, everyone burst into action. I was told to get on the bed, we had to get down to the delivery suite as I was a high risk pregnancy. “Don’t push, Beth, don’t you dare push. We’re not delivering this baby in the lift,” M scolded as her and T wheeled me into the lift.
We arrived at the delivery suite at 4.15am, 1 push later and a head appeared.
“Slow down, pant, Beth, don’t push,” someone said. “Now, baby pushes.”

4.16am and a gorgeous little baby was placed onto my chest. “Is my baby ok?” I asked, concerned as I hadn’t heard the cry I was expecting. “Yes, everything looks OK.”
“What have I got?” was my second question as I looked between the legs and seeing little boy bits. “Mam, I’ve got a baby boy. Mam, I’ve got a baby.” The placenta took a while to deliver, but I was busy with my little boy. He latched on perfectly for his first feed within minutes of being born and I was already totally in love with my baby boy.
Later, T and M puzzled over my waters as they didn’t break throughout labour, and they didn’t follow Little Man out. In fact, we have no idea where they went, they just seemed to vanish.

It was a lovely labour, and an easy birth. Little Man’s shoulder grazed me on the way out, but other than that it was perfect. Established labour was worked out at 3 hours and 55 minutes, and 4cm to delivery happened within 46 minutes.

Little Man
13th August 2005
8lb 3oz"

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Beth's story, Manchester - gas and air and the luxury of a birthing suite

"Well with Callum being on time, I expected Charley to be as well! However at 11 days late I felt ready to pop! Due to be induced at 9am on the 17th Nov and I woke about 5am with my first contraction! I decided to sleep and see when the next ones came and they were coming at every 9 minutes so I had a shower and got up and ready and woke DP and said we were going ealier to the hospital as in the shower they were becoming more frequent! Arrived at the hospital at 8am and was put on a monitor and when I was assessed about 10am I was shocked to be told I was already 3cm! It took 24 hours with Callum and a drip to get to 3cm! I had a TENS machine which really took the edge off all the way! I was all set for an epidural as I had one with Callum but he was a 34 hour labour but as I knew one of the midwives she mentioned I could go to the birthing suite and 2 other midwives recommended it! Not wanting to seem like a wimp I said I would consider it! They did my bloods to check my iron and I was secretly hoping I was high risk (i.e. low iron) so that I could head down for an epidural however I came back low risk and I knew I wanted it to be as pleasant as possible for DP as he wanted to go home for a sleep half way through labour with Callum! Went to the birthing suite, it was lovely as it was your own room with a bath and bed and you could use the kitchen for tea and coffee....I was nervous as hell!

Had a bath about 3pm as I wasn't progressing much then the lovely midwife came in and said if I wasn't progressing much in the next hour I could go down for an epidural!

"Yes" I thought, however I said " Could I not stay here?" (for the sake of DP as it was more comfortable! Hoping she said " no"). She then said yes... ooopssss! She said she would break my waters about 5pm and see what happened as the bath had stopped my contractions! 5pm came and I lay on the bed after another big show and she broke my waters, they gushed out like there was no tomorrow and I became scared again (you wouldn't have thought I have given birth before!).

Contractions started thick and fast, every 2 mins so I paced the room for an hour with my TENS machine on before the midwife came in and said I could then get in the birthing pool! (I was then 5cm!) God why didn't I have an epidural, wimp woman I was thinking!

Got in the pool at 6pm and I thought you could have Pethedine (but not in the pool) so in the pool I just had gas and air and the contractions were so bad I thought I was dying and towards the end I was crying (wimp woman again). The midwife said "I want you to have this baby by 9.30pm as I finish the shift". At 7pm I was like, "I want this baby now, not in another hour and a half!". She checked me, I was only 8cm! God I thought I was dying again! (Girls you will be so proud of yourselves for anyone just doing gas and air!) Midwife told me when I feel like I need a poo that's when I'm ready and to push, and to be honest I never got that feeling, the contractions got unbearable about 8pm so I pushed TWICE and he popped out! I stood up and unfortunately there was blood gushing out of me and the birth pool was red (I had ripped) so went to be stitched up after (that was actually worse than childbirth) but god, me!!!! I did it without an epidural I felt amazing afterwards!!!!"

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Monday, 24 January 2011

50 story marathon!

A huge thank you to everyone who has submitted their birth story already - it's been fantastic reading them all and seeing what you have all been through to hold your little ones in your arms.

You'll notice the countdown clock below - I've set a challenge! Can we get to 50 birth stories by 1st May 2011? Invite all your friends and colleagues to submit theirs too. I know when I was pregnant the first, second and third time, it was always reassuring to read other people's birth stories - the good ones make you warm and gooey inside and the more difficult lend themselves to educating us about our choices - in all, enabling us to get ourselves emotionally ready for the birth.

I hope you'll join me soon! Submit yours to:

Sunday, 23 January 2011

Helen's story, Wolverhampton - feeding trouble and painless contractions!

"Contractions carried on but the pain stopped!

We had tried for a baby for 3 years without luck. After 3 months of Clomid, I finally fell pregnant. I was delighted.

Then the midwife came to me for the booking in appointment, she was really miserable and snappy. Not what a happy first time mum wants. Anyway she apologised as she was pregnant too and feeling really poorly. I only mention this because it turned out we were in labour in adjoining rooms! The other reason for mentioning it was because she was so horrible at the beginning when she asked if I had a 28 day cycle and I said yes. I’ve never had a regular cycle!

Samuel’s due date was 31st August but that came and went. Everyone thought he was late but he could have been early due to my dodgy periods. The following Wednesday I went for doctor’s check-up and my BP was high. The doctor sent me home to rest and the midwife came to re-check me in the afternoon. It was still high so I was sent straight to hospital.

They checked my BP and got me straight to a bed. I really didn’t want to stay and got very upset. On the Thursday they decided to induce me but because the other 3 local hospitals were full and patients were being sent up, they couldn’t fit me in. 6am Friday morning some rotten nurse woke me to get me started. Apparently they were going to start me in the night but I was so deeply asleep they left me (good decision!!!).

I was taken to the labour ward and had some gel put in. I immediately got a very uncomfortable tightening around my middle. I was meant to be monitored for 15 minutes but after 10 I had to ask to be taken off because I was so uncomfortable. I went back to my bed and managed to get some sleep. At 8ish I had some breakfast and the contractions were mild but definitely there. At 9.30ish I decided to have a bath. Once I finished I got out and there was a gush of water – my waters had broken. All I was worried about was I hadn’t cleaned the bath out like it asked! I put on a panty pad – how naive is that! I slopped my way up the corridor and got a mega pad to sop up the water!

I put on my TENS machine but I should have really put it on earlier as it didn’t make any difference. By 11am I was in a lot of pain. I went to the labour ward and asked for pain relief. The lovely sympathetic midwife said “you can’t possibly need pain relief”. When she examined me I was 8cms dilated. I asked for an epidural. When he finally turned up to do it I was having such bad contractions I couldn’t bend forward enough to have it done. He managed to put some local anaesthetic in which took the edge off the pain for a short while.

They seem to leave me for ages in this transition stage. They said the longer the better because of my BP (which had been fine throughout labour). Finally I started to push. As soon as I got to that point my contractions stopped. Well they carried on because the trace was showing them but I couldn’t feel them. I just kept pushing!

At 3.43pm Samuel entered the world. Weighing in at 7lbs 15oz.

I had to have some stitches but nothing too serious.

I finally had my gorgeous boy.

My little man went straight to sleep. He stayed asleep until, at 3am, I woke him up for a feed. NEVER WAKE A SLEEPING BABY! If they are asleep, they aren’t hungry! I had terrible trouble getting him to latch on. It didn’t matter too much at first but it became a problem very quickly and there was little support on the ward.

I went home on the Sunday which, in hindsight, was too quick for me. When I got home I broke down crying. I didn’t know how I was going to keep this little one warm (we didn’t have central heating).

For the next week I lived in a very unhappy bubble. I struggled to feed Samuel and I began to dread him waking up. I had a different midwife every day, none who picked up how badly I was struggling.

One morning I ended up back in hospital at 4am because I couldn’t cope anymore. I had an older midwife who got him latched on like a dream but once I got home I still couldn’t do it.

The next night I was being left on my own with Samuel for the first time. When he woke and I couldn’t get him to latch, I rang my mum. She came up and made up a bottle of formula for Samuel. A friend of mine, the only one to say I was having a boy, had got me a bag of baby bits when I was pregnant. She had got me a tin of formula and a bottle. I couldn’t understand why she would buy me that – breastfeeding is easy isn’t it? Anyway, after taking the bottle, my lovely lad slept from 10pm – 2am. Mum had made me up another bottle for the night which he took at 2am and then slept until 7am.

I was such a happier mum at that point so it was formula all the way after that and I finally began enjoying my lovely son."

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Amy and Lily's story, Felixstowe - sweep and a natural home birth

"Wednesday 28th October 2009

Well, feeling thoroughly fed up and sore with my ribs, SPD and just general hugeness I went off to see my midwife on 27th Oct (the day before my due date) for a sweep. All my BP and urine was fine and baby had moved from back to back to the front so I was really pleased about that. Then she did the sweep and said although I was about 2cm dilated my cervix was still quite high and posterior, midwife didn't think anything would happen for a while. I was gutted and went home and burst into tears.

Pete was on nights that night so was home during the day; we decided to go for a walk to get some fresh air to make me feel better, so we went down the beach and walked along the front. I was still feeling disappointed when we got home so after dinner I suggested we had sex before Pete went to work, just in case it helped!!! I started having a few niggles that evening and was having a few strong contractions but they didn't have a pattern and stopped by the time I went to bed.

On 28th Oct I woke up at 1.33am and my waters had gone. I got out of bed and they gushed, went to the bathroom and just sat on the toilet while all this water was pouring out of me! (Midwife had said I had a lot). I phoned Pete at work and told him to come home, although I hadn't had any contractions. At 2.10am I had my first contraction. Pete got home and put the TENS machine on for me and went down to start filling the pool.

I rang my best friend Katie who was also my doula, and she came round with her 5 week old baby. Then I rang my midwife at about 3am. I was coping fine with the tens machine and after having all my obs done Louise (my midwife) said she would do an internal to see what was happening. I was about 5cm so decided to get in the pool. Things carried on going well; I did have all my contractions in my back which were very painful but I managed by breathing through them and holding on to Pete and Katie. At about 6.30am I started to feel a bit pushy but wasn't actually pushing. The second midwife had arrived and was sat talking to Louise. At about 6.45am the midwives realised I was pushing a bit so started to get ready. Just then I had a massive urge to push and her head came out. I think I was shocked because I thought I would be pushing for a lot longer; at 6.55am Lily was born.

As soon as I saw her I thought about how much she looked like Josh and as I was convinced I was having a boy I didn't even look. Katie asked me if I was going to look as she had seen when she had come out. I was shocked to find I had a little girl. I was so happy as deep down I wanted another girl but had come to accept it was a boy (even though we never found out).

I got straight out of the pool because of what happened last time and lay down on the sofa with my baby girl who started to feed straight away. I had another strong contraction and my placenta was delivered followed by quite a bit of blood. I think Louise panicked a bit and decided to give me the Syntometrine, but I was fine and didn't feel faint at all. The midwives got tidied up and left us to it, I had a quick bath and got into bed with my new baby which was lovely as I didn't get to do that bit last time because of going into hospital. Katie said she would take Rubie for us so we could get some rest (Josh was still on holiday with mum and dad). So the 3 of us snuggled down in bed and within minutes Pete was snoring! I was on too much of a high to sleep but was lovely to lay in the quiet with Lily on my chest!
Time in labour: 5 hours 30 mins."

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Amy and Rubie's story, Felixstowe - home birth with hospital transfer for fainting

"Wednesday, 24th October 2007

It all kicked off on Tuesday 23rd Oct '07. I started having mild contractions in the afternoon which started to get stronger so I got Pete to put my TENS machine on. I had a few false alarms before so wasn't expecting it to be the real thing, even though I was 6 days late. Well at 10pm everything stopped, what a surprise! So feeling a bit upset I decided to go to bed.

I then woke up just before 2am on 24th to go to the toilet. As I got up I heard a little pop and as I walked to the bathroom my waters started trickling. At 2am I had my first proper contraction. I woke Pete and told him this was it so he put my TENS machine on again and went downstairs to get sorted and start filling the pool.
At about 3am I phoned my mum who was going to be with me aswell, my contractions were starting to get really painful so when my mum arrived just after 3am Pete phoned for the midwife.
Sarah, a lovely midwife, arrived at 3.40am, my contractions were right on top of each other and I was still just using my TENS machine. Sarah checked me and I was 8cm!! I couldn't believe it, so I got into the pool at about 4.15am which was lovely.
I breathed through my contractions and Sarah phoned for the second midwife. I decided I would like some gas and air. At about 5am the second midwife arrived (also called Sarah) and after 20 minutes of pushing Rubie May Fisk was born at 5.25am, exactly 1 week late.
We sat in the pool for about 30 minutes with me holding my new baby girl and waiting for the cord to stop pulsating. I felt great but it didn't last long. Rubie's cord was clamped and cut and Sarah wanted me to get out of the pool so my placenta could be delivered. I felt a bit funny but started to get up on my knees ready to get out. The next thing I know I am laying on the floor next to the pool. I had fainted and started to go under the water so the 2 Sarah's and my mum had had to drag me out!
I lay on the floor for a while, but every time I tried to get up I kept fainting so the decision was made to call an ambulance. I was so disappointed after having such an amazing birth but I knew I needed to go in.
Rubie still hadn't been weighed so once we got to the hospital they checked her over and weighed her, 9lb 2oz, where was I hiding that!!!! We were discharged at 7pm that evening after me having IV fluids.
So all in all I had a lovely birth but unfortunately didn't go to plan after but I have my beautiful little girl who was worth every bit.
Time in labour: 3hrs 40 mins."

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Amy and Joshua's story, Felixstowe - natural birth with Pethedine

"Saturday, 26th March 2005

I woke up at 6am with really bad cramp in my leg. I jumped out of bed to try and get rid of it and as I did my waters broke. Told Pete and he said go back to sleep (typical bloke) but 5 mins later a really strong contraction followed by another 5 mins after that. Woke Pete up again and said this is definitely it so he did get up then! After that my contractions were every 2 mins and sooo painful. Pete phoned my midwife Marie and she came round about 9am, did an internal and I was 3-4cm dilated and was told I could go to hospital. Got to hospital about 11am and was in agony, was given gas and air which I hated, was in so much pain I didn't give it a chance so asked for Pethidine which was great! My mum and sister arrived as planned and I got on with the rest of my labour with the Pethidine and gas and air when contractions came. Marie came to the hospital after doing her rounds and said she would deliver my baby. Got to 10cm and was told I could push, had no urge to push whatsoever but was told I had to. So after pushing for 2 and a half hours and being threatened with a drip, ventouse or forceps I gave birth to Joshua naturally. He was born at 4.08pm weighing in at a very healthy 8lb 1oz and was just perfect. Pete looked so proud and had tears in his eyes which made me feel so happy and so lucky. After all the pain it was the best feeling in the world and I was very proud of myself.
Time in labour: 10 hours 15 mins."

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Gemma's story, Neath - quick delivery, 9cm on arrival at the ward

"They called it a rapid delivery
Born 20/02/2008
38 weeks
5lb 6oz

It's Tuesday 19th of February and I am thinking of what I’m going to wear to my sister in laws 30th on the 27th it was fancy dress . But my back is hurting so badly, being my first baby I put it down to just end of pregnancy aches and pains.

Wednesday 20th February 10 days till due date, I woke at 4.30am, feeling very uncomfortable, at 4.40am I had my first contraction I called the hospital and I was told to wait till my waters have broken then come in. By 5.00am they were less than 4 minutes apart and my waters had broken. It was time to get in the car it took 20 minutes to get to the Hospital, 15 minutes later I have to stop my self pushing unless I want to make a mess in the car.

When we arrived at the hospital we start the walk to the labour ward down a corridor which seemed to go on forever. Once I was there 4.35 am, soaking wet and in immense pain, I was asked to take a seat at this point I could not take any more and told the midwife I need to push. I was helped on to a bed for an examination, low and behold I was 9cm and the baby’s head can be seen. I was rushed into a labour room, 3 pushes later he had arrived it was 5.46am. There was no time for any pain relief and no stitches were required. I count myself very fortunate to have had such a speedy and uncomplicated birth."

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Saturday, 22 January 2011

Tanya's story, Kent - 4 weeks + 4 early, induction

"My Miracle Princess Phoebe

6th October 2009 35 weeks + 3 days

Waking up in the early hours of the morning, I realised that I was feeling rather wet down below, needing the toilet had woken me and I thought I had wet myself but after having a smell I realised it wasn't wee so woke hubby up. As I got up off the bed my waters just started gushing everywhere, I don't know why but I put my hand there to stop it which of course failed, I made my way to the bathroom and sitting on the toilet it was still just pouring from me. I eventually managed to put some pads on and get my friend to have Megan for me and rang the hospital who told me to go straight in. After what seemed like a lifetime I managed to ring my mum who took us to the hospital. By the time we got there I was soaked through, I honestly did not realise how much water you carry!!. I got to the delivery unit and had swabs taken and was put on the monitor and all was fine with baby. At about 7.00am I was transferred to the antenatal ward where I would spend the next few days.

My Dr came round to see me that morning saying she would expect to see me on the postnatal ward the next day, how wrong was she!!!! I spent the next 3 days on antibiotics and had steroids and was given 11/10 has my induction date as I was worried about infection and having hardly any water. Nothing much happened while I was in hospital; although I was getting contractions they were nowhere near regular or strong so they wouldn't do nothing unless they started to show on the monitor, which they never.

On Friday 9th my Dr came and told me that I was allowed home and that they had changed my induction day because by scan dates I would only be 35 + 4 on the Sunday and they wouldn't even think about delivery before 36 weeks so although disappointed that I now had to wait until the Wednesday to meet my princess I was just so happy to get home and be with hubby and my other daughter. The whole weekend I hardly slept through being in pain and having on off contractions and with being in hospital and not sleeping I was just so tired. It got to the early hours of Sunday morning and I just couldn't cope no more - I wasn't eating or sleeping and baby was nowhere near as active has she always had been.

Sunday 11/10 35 + 4 by hospital dates 36 + 1 by mine.

I woke up at 4am and couldn't sleep as the pains were too much, I decided to have a bath and pain killers to see how I went and also redone baby's hospital bag as I had to buy smaller clothes has I know she would only be around 6lb by the growth scan I had. After doing all this I felt no better so the hospital told me to go in. I was put on the monitor and Phoebe's heart rate was up in the 180s (which it had been since my waters went but no one seemed to bothered so I took it it was a normal rate) and also my pulse was up which they were worried about, so they called the Dr in. The Dr scanned me after thinking she was breech but she was head down. After asking some questions and feeling my tummy he could feel I was getting contractions, it was then he told me he was going to induce me has he wasn't happy with the heart rate at all, it was far too high. So I started panicking. He also told me that if I didn't deliver in a certain amount of time then it would be a c-section as baby wasn't happy inside me. So a quick phone call to let my daughter know that I would be having baby, then I was taken to the delivery room and put straight on the drip along with lots of antibiotics, this was at 10am.

I was told that I would be checked at 2.30pm to see how I was going. My contractions started at 1.30pm and I was shocked at how controlled I felt with the pain. At 2.30 I was examined and told I was 2cm. I really thought I would have been more and was told they would check me again at 6.30pm which I really thought I would be told I was only 4-5cm so had decided if that was the case an epidural would be likely!!.The pains were getting a lot stronger and I was breathing through them; although painful I didn't think they were that bad, the midwife was shocked that I hadn't asked for pain relief; I knew I wanted to get as far as I could with none as I wanted another natural birth. At 5.45pm I caved and asked for gas and air, god I fell in love with that stuff, I couldn't help having a giggle, it was lovely and helped with the pain, even DH had a go on it!!

By 6pm the pains were getting bad and I just wanted to stand up but couldn't has I had to be monitored the whole time. I was getting frustrated but knew it was best for baby so just tried to get comfy as best I could on the bed, not easy. At 6.30 I was examined and told I was 8cm. I couldn't believe that after hardly any real bad pains I had gone from 2 to 8 in 4 hours. The relief I felt was amazing knowing I was nearly there. Not long after I was getting the urge to push really badly but was being told I wasn't ready, I forgot how hard it is to try and stop yourself pushing when you get the feeling to. This went on for about half hour, being told not to when I knew I had to, I could feel her head coming down, I kept telling them I had to so they looked and could see her head so another midwife was called in and I started to push.

After 8 minutes at 19.28 I set eyes on one of the most beautiful little girls ever, I couldn't help bursting into tears as I set eyes on her. After 5 years I couldn't believe she was mine. Me, hubby my mum and Phoebe's big sister were all in tears in the room, even the midwife shed a tear telling us she had never made the whole room cry at a birth. I was so glad that Megan was there to witness her baby sister coming into the world, apart from having her it was truly one of the best days of my life and I can't believe how easy and short the labour and birth was. It didn't put me off, in fact if every birth could be like that I would have it again tomorrow, LOL.

Phoebe was weighed and we were shocked at her weight: 6lb7oz. As she was so early, I thought she would be smaller than that. She was healthy and happy as were we all. I delivered the placenta 4 minutes after having her and then had a massive bleed, midwifes running in the room etc but to be honest I can't remember that bit, I was just happy to have my baby in my arms although DH and my mum were quite worried. I was just in my own little world. Luckily after an injection it stopped and no stitches were needed. We were left in delivery till 9.30pm when I was transferred to the ward. The only thing I didn't like was DH had to go straight home. I laid in my bed all night just staring at my beautiful little girl, I couldn't believe she was mine, I was the happiest mummy ever.

Sorry it is so long, I tried to remember everything to put down although I'm sure I have missed lots out. All in all I really enjoyed my labour and birth and would do it again in a flash if I could."

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Mandy's story, Cumbria - back to back labour, slow dilation, one-sided epidural and cesarean

"Born on 22/11/2009


7lb 10oz

Sat 6pm - Had a show and slight trickling.

Sat 10pm - First contraction. I sent home our friends who we had round for the evening and phoned the labour ward who suspected that they would see me that evening. DH and I decided to go to bed to try and get some seep in case this was the real thing. I couldn't sleep at all, the contractions were painful and coming fairly quickly, about 3 in 10 minutes, although they were only about 40 seconds long. I wanted to wait until they lasted longer, and were more regular before going in. I sat downstairs until 4.30am when I realised I was having 4 in 10 minutes and they were lasting about 55 seconds each.
Sun 5am - Arrived at the labour ward. Had my checks and they said my blood pressure was fairly high and the baby's heartbeat was too fast. I was put on the monitor for 20 minutes which confirmed the amount of contractions, and his fast heartbeat. She examined me to find I was only 1cm dilated, but cervix nice and thin so she would keep me in to labour in the ward as I was favourable'.

Sun 8am-ish - I was in a bath, and bloody freezing! The water did not help with the contractions at all, they were all in my back and legs so I couldn't get comfy. I felt nothing in my belly when I was contracting. I got out of the bath after about an hour, and the contractions were getting more painful. I was given a tens machine, again, only seemed to be a distraction rather than any pain relief. They were lasting longer now and I didn't seem to have a break between them. I was offered Meptid and happily agreed!

Sun 11am-ish - My waters broke and then I was examined, to be only 2cm!! Nobody could work out why I was contracting so much but not dilating very successfully. I had a top up of Meptid and from then on I lost all control. I can't really remember much apart from the pain being horrendous, with no break and I was given gas and air and holding on to the side of the bed. I was on the monitor again and baby's heart rate was still fast. I think I must have been like that for an hour when I was offered an epidural, which meant a transfer to a hospital 20 miles away. So off I went with blue lights and everything, contracting like mad in the ambulance.

Sun 1pm - Arrived in Lancaster, and was examined, to be 3cm. So I'd been labouring for over 12 hours now and only dilated 3cm. I had to wait another 2 hours for the epidural. And when I had it, oh what a relief. On one side only!! It didn't appear to have been very successful on my right side, so I could still feel pain with the contractions. I was closely monitored due to the babies heart rate, and he was found to be back to back. I had top ups of the epidural every hour until I think about 6pm.

Sun 6pm - Examined to be only 6cm! Midwives kept saying by the contractions I was having he'd be here soon! No chance...I was given Syntocin to speed up the contractions now, which wasn't pleasant with a dodgy epidural.

Sun 8pm - Examined and now 8cm dilated. They increased the drip again. It was around now that I started to give up. The baby's heart rate was suspicious, they'd put a clip on his head because they kept losing it. I'd been awake for 36 hours and I was starving. He was back to back and I didn't have the energy to push even if/when I was fully dilated. So I asked about a c-section. I just 'knew' it would end that way so I wanted it doing now!

Sun 9pm - I was examined now by the Doctor, and I wasn't even 9cm yet, and had a lip over the cervix. She checked the heart rate again, and offered me more drip, or a c-section. I said a c-section. It had to be another Dr's decision though so I had to wait for her to come and see me.

Sun 10.30pm - Dr took a look at notes, monitor, me and due to his suspicious heart rate gave her consent for an emergency c-section.

Sun 11:24pm - Dylan arrived!!
He passed meconium straight away all over the theatre floor, and there was meconium in the waters. He scored an 8 on the Apgar score then a 10 after 10 minutes. He was taken outside to DH while I was tidied up.

So that's the story of Dylan's arrival. Completely worth it of course, just an unexpected experience. He is the most placid little baby I've known, so hopefully he wasn't too distressed by it all."

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Monday, 17 January 2011

Nat's story, East Sussex - use the pain!

"I had made a bet that I would have my baby on the 16th November as I thought I was going to a comedy show on the 15th and it would kick things off (it was actually on the 10th! My head was so not in the game in those last few months!) My due date was 25th which was bang on with my dates.

Anyway DS woke me up at 7.20am on the 16th (9 days early) and I realised that I was having very mild contractions, bit like period pains every 10 minutes or so. DH had already gone to work and Mum and Dad were coming over to help me get the house sorted out so got up and took DS to nursery, contractions getting a bit stronger but nothing worth worrying about. M&D arrive and we start moving boxes and sorting, about 10.30 I had a semi painful contraction which made me stop and Mum gives me a look so I confess that I have been contracting. Hadn’t said anything as didn’t want to worry anyone or have anyone fussing. I told Mum that it would probably take a while so we carry on sorting and then go get DS at 12 from Nursery. I had to keep stopping to breath through the contractions but nothing I couldn’t handle on my own, although I did get a few funny looks from some of the other mums at the Nursery. At about 1pm I call DH to tell him I think its happening but not to worry about coming home early as it could take ages (took two days with DS!). His first reaction was 'you are joking right?' the reason for this is he had just had three weeks off for a bad back and it was his first day back at work ops.... Got a call about 10 mins later saying he was on his way home as he works and hour and a half away and didn’t want to risk missing anything. Was quite relieved to be honest. Also called the birthing centre so they knew I could be coming in that day.

So we carried on packing boxes until about 2pm when I had to stop as the contractions were getting too strong to concentrate, DH got home about 3pm and M&D went home taking DS with them. Things ticked along and about 5pm we went to the birthing centre to be checked over just so I could get an idea of what was happening if anything! Got there and the contractions pretty much stopped! Typical. They checked me over and said nothing was really happening; it could be false labour or go on for a few days or kick of anytime, that helped! So went back home (only live 3mins by car from the birthing centre). Well contractions kicked off again and slowly got stronger and stronger but was managing OK with the tens machine. To be honest I was totally gutted as had hoped to have a quicker time than with DS but after being told not much was happening I could just see me heading for another two day labour. Sat on the sofa when I got home in a total grump. Even when the contractions got stronger I still didn’t think it was going to happen any time soon.

At 10.30pm DH was outside having a cigarette and I had an almighty painful contraction and felt something pop, luckily DH saw this through the window so came rushing in, he managed to get me to the loo and I had another contraction with a massive show and some waters. For some reason, and I still have no idea why or how, even now, I was in just my pants and a vest top. What had possessed me to strip off when I was in labour I have no idea, so DH had to get me dressed (that would have been very funny to watch I am sure!), called the birthing centre and we headed straight there. Getting to the car was fun, two steps, stop breath, stifle a scream so I didn’t disturb the neighbours and repeat. Same when we got to the birthing centre took me five minutes to get from the car in the door!

When we arrived they already had a birth going on so we went into the second birthing room (good job we called ahead as they only have two rooms so they had kept it for me!) went straight into the birthing pool which helped. Its funny but I really had no preference when it came to being in the water but when I arrived the MW said it would help with the pain and it really did. Very quickly the pain became truly awful and I was sucking on the gas and air like my life depended on it! The MW was brilliant, really supportive and friendly. The contractions were coming on top of each other almost as soon as I was in the pool and I was so encased in the pain that I really wasn’t listening to anyone but at one point the MW said “use the pain to push with”. It was like a revelation and suddenly the pain became useful. Still hurt like hell but I felt back in control again. I started with the pushing whilst still in the pool but was on my back so not the best position, managed to change positions and kept pushing but not much was happening. The MW said I needed to move as the baby was not coming out so could be stuck due to position, managed to get from the pool to the bed (how I still have no idea!) and onto my knees gripping the back of the bed and two pushed later baby River arrived weighing 5lbs 12oz. DH told me we had a girl and after I had managed to get the right way round I had my first cuddle. Wonderful!!

Had a 2nd degree tear but didn’t care was just so glad it was over and my little lady was here safe and sound! When the MW did the time of birth I had missed the 16th by 2 mins! Still can’t believe I managed just on the gas and air, or that it was only just over an hour and a half from that pop to giving birth! Seemed much, MUCH longer! I can honestly say it wasn’t a pleasant experience but was so much better than DS birth. That said never doing it again! (But pretty sure I said that after DS...)."

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Sam's story, Kent - large baby and haemorrhage

"A tough journey but an amazing reward...

On the Friday night 27th November 2009, on day before my due date, large and uncomfortable and like all parents to be desperate to get things moving, we went for a walk down to the fish and chip shop which involves a steep up hill walk on the way back. No instant labour, no broken waters (nice chips though), but disappointment on the walking makes the baby comes front - well that is until around 5am on Saturday 28th (my due date) I woke feeling a little damp so got up for the loo and had a bit of a trickle. 

I didn't really think anything of it just that I was obviously more desperate for the toilet than I thought...wrong. I continued to wake approx every hour with the same trickling every time I moved. To be honest although I was aware that waters could leak, mainly I was totally panicking that I was incontinent as I wasn't getting any pains... but as time went by I noticed the fluid was quite jelly like so became quite sure I was losing my waters, I took the time to have a nice bath, shave my legs, make some food, but by the afternoon the colour was changing which was of concern to the hospital, so on our way we picked up my mum arriving at the hospital about 4pm. 

At the hospital they examined me and seemed unsure if my waters or not but there was a sudden flood, so I am guessing if they weren't broken, they broke them for me, however I was around 3cm and baby had pooed and so were going to admit me and put me on a drip to get things moving. They put a monitor on babies head and I was bed bound...not the birth I was expecting. I had attended NCT classes and was planning on using all the things we had been taught about keeping mobile, I was open to the idea of a water birth and had this idea that of labour being exactly like what it was not for me. 

By the time I had been hooked up to all the necessary machinery, it was 7pm, the midwife confirmed that she would examine me at midnight, this was my goal and I was determined to make it to then without any pain relief, so I soldiered on happy with the fact that I had been told I would go 1-2cm an hour so by midnight should be almost at the pushing stage. 

Yep you guessed it midnight comes and I am 5cm...cue me getting upset and starting on the gas and air. I had mixed feelings about the gas and air I loved the feeling of drunkenness and hated the loss of control I felt. The drip had been cranked up to max and the contractions were coming one on top of the other, I decided that I would rather be without the pain but in control mentally and so begged for an epidural. 
Epidural helped a lot and I was able to nap, however I had problems that the epidural was more effective than on one side than the other. I was examined again at about 4am when I was 8cm and then at about 8am when they decided I was ready to push. 

I started pushing but had excruciating pain in my back which made me very very sick, the registrar gave me a top up of a different drug which stopped the pain. The midwife told me that baby was back to back and the pain reached a head as it turned the right way. After half an hour of pushing I hadn't managed to deliver baby and the concern was growing because of his poo, so the docs came in and put a suction cup on babies head and also cut me, on the first pull on the suction cup it popped off and after a couple more pushes I delivered baby on my own at 9:57am. 

Everything seemed fine, baby was big and healthy and I couldn't take my eyes off it...that is until I became aware of the rising panic around me and then the out of this world pain as a doctor started to pump her fists up and down hard on my tummy. The pain was worse than any part of the labour and the epidural did nothing to stop it, I just screamed and screamed totally unaware of what was happening. I was aware of being rushed up the corridor on my bed and my body convulsing and agreeing to all the drugs they were offering... I remember asking if I was going to die and telling them to look after my baby but as you can imagine I soon zoned out. 

I came round a couple of hours later. I had an unexplained haemorrhage and had lost half of my bodies blood, the doctors put a balloon inside my womb filled with water which put pressure on to stop the bleeding, the balloon was left for 24 hours and then a little bit drained each hour until it was removed. I also had a blood transfusion over about a 48 hour period. 

Three hours after he was born I met my beautiful son Lucas, weighing it at 9lb 1oz, I would have died for him that day and, I would go through the same again and again for him."

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